Sunday, August 7, 2016

3 things I’ve learned/gotten better at since I’ve turned 20.

here are 3 things I’ve learned in the first 3 months of being 20.

1.   Journaling.
  I have always loved journaling but, I’ve really started journaling in my time with God and journaling about everyday life. I’m still working on doing it every day besides just Sunday- but I’m working on getting better at journaling each day. In high school, I journaled a lot of what I got from messages at church and stuff. So this year I am trying to get better and journal my thoughts down, even if it is just a couple sentences or a verse. Here’s to journaling more and to memorizing more in the Word!
2.   Sleeping
I’ve definitely learned a lot about my sleeping habits the last few months. If I don’t get a certain amount of sleep, I tend to be grumpy or have an attitude. So I try and go to bed at 9 pm each night (I said try, I didn’t say I actually go to bed at 9 all the time) and if I can I try to take a nap. These days my life is pretty busy with work and helping with my grandparents and I start school in 3 weeks and I’m picking up an extra shift at the restaurant this fall. So I’ve really found out that sleep is important, especially with my schedule come this fall.

3.   Prioritize

You really have to prioritize your time. What I like to do is, if I work at ten then I plan to wake up at seven so I can wake up, eat some breakfast, take a shower (I like to take really long showers.) so I give myself a two-hour span of time to get it done. I also have to do that when I start school- because I am going to Liberty University but I’m doing the online campus, I really have to prioritize my time. So at the beginning of each week I’m going to write down what time is going to be for school and what time is going to be doing laundry time or whatever else I have on my schedule. If that means bringing my course books and some homework to my grandparents, then I will totally do that. You just have to prioritize what is important in your world. The thing that will always be first is my time with Jesus no matter what is going on.
  These are three things I’ve really learned/ done more of since I turned 20. 
   Have a blessed week! Xo

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