Saturday, July 26, 2014

WAKE 2014

  In this blog post I'm going to tell you about camp, this year VOX summercamp things changed and changed for the better!
 We got there Monday morning, we got time to unpack and make our beds and everything, well its hard to do that when you lose your luggage. I knew right then it was going to be a great week because the devil was trying to do something in me to were I wouldn't get fed, or get what I came for. But no worries someone found my luggage so I had my Bible and journal for night one at summercamp. It may have been night one but Pastor Will didn't mess around he went straight to the Word. Which I really liked that, his messages in different ways were like boom boom boom to me.They were such effective messages that I was changed when I left that chapel every single time. But the week went on and Pastor Will kept talking about influence and how we can be an influence in our generation and that was one of the many things that happened that week. This quote that Pastor Will said really stuck with me all week at camp and it says this  "for those who know there God will do great exploits and do great things!"
  I always knew prayer was important and that week man I went up another notch with God in prayer it was the most amazing feeling ever. There were nights in pre service prayer that I didn't want it to end because God's presence was so thick, but that presence was still there even when we went into worship! It was absolutely beautiful seeing God change peoples lives including mine! Each night just got better and better and Friday night.. Oh Friday night we had a dance party, yes you read it right a dance party but this dance party was for Jesus! Oh it was so amazing!
  I could try and describe what it feels like to be in God's presence but its just so sweet and tangible that you never want to leave it. As the days went on I could just feel something stirring up in me and in my heart that something good and something big was going to happen and it did.  I learned that day to be bold, not timid. It's a thing I've dealt with and it feels great to be bold and confident. One thing I remember thinking is I'd rather have 1 true and real  friend than 100 fake friends who pretend to be my friends but leave me when I really need them.

  I grew as much as I learned this year at camp and I can't thank everyone enough the Pastors and all the volunteers that made WAKE 2014 happen. Thank you all so much for your endless hard work and countless hours. To help students like me get it and grow in our faith!

It was a life changing week for everyone, no one went home the way we came into camp!

Have a wonderful weekend!