Sunday, September 28, 2014

I was a Preemie & this is my NICU Story

Hello my name is Micaela Ryann Ziegler and I am 18 years old. I live in a little township within Kalamazoo County and I survived being a preemie and this is my story.

Almost 18 and a half years ago I was born, May 1st 1996 changed my parents lives forever. Little did they know that there little girl was going to make an appearance that day to be born none the less a preemie born at 26.4 weeks and to spend 84 days in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Bronson Hospital. Now let's get to the nitty gritty details.

May 1,1996 at 1:35 p.m. A baby girl was born at 1 lb. o.7 oz. 13 3/8 in. As I was being whisked away my mom got a quick glance and then I was whisked right away my mom didn't get to really see me until that evening. I was hooked up to a breathing tube, venalator, IV's oxygen and pulseoux. Still that day of May 1 I almost lost my left leg because of a really bad blood clot. 
This picture was from the day I was born.

Then fast forward to Mothers Day it was my Moms first Mother's Day and she couldn't even haver her baby girl home with her and I almost died that day because my heart almost stopped. Then I almost died two other times because of water getting in one of my tubes and the other time I turned completely blue. 

Then slowly but surely I began to gain strength to where I was pulling out my breathing tubes apparently I was trying to tell the doctor I didn't need help anymore! 

Finally it came to the day I could come home so we thought.. I had been having problems with my eyes and I had, had many eye surgeries and low and behold the eye doctor whisked me right away and I went into surgery on the day I was supposed to come home. 

It finally came to the day where I actually did come home and my parents couldn't have been more happy to bring me home  the days were going on and I grew and grew and became a very active little girl you wouldn't have even thought I was in a fight for my life. 

Low and behold I started preschool and I did great in my classss. But today I am happy to say that I am a Senior in High School and I cheer on the varsity team and I throw shot put and disc for our track team! I survived being a preemie and the NICU.
From 1 lb 9.7 oz to 154.7 lbs. 

I live life with so much joy and happiness! I can do anything I put my mind to with hard work and determination!

Psalm 16:11 "You will show me the way of life, granting me the joy of your presence and the pleasures of living with you forever."

This is My NICU Story! 

Good luck to those running the 5k today for the Bronson Children's Hospital NICU. Thank you so much to those of you that are it means a lot to the families that your doing this to raise money for the NICU &families! It means a lot to me that people would do that for us NICU families,especially with us being a NICU family 18 and a half years ago!