Wednesday, June 18, 2014

•Thank you for all the support!•

  Good news! God is good all the time and all the time God is good! Within 2 days two couples have helped me raise the money for camp and I am eternally grateful for there help! Thank you all so much for the prayers! This really shows me that God wants me to go to camp this year! He is so faithful and amazing and just such a doer of His word! Psalms 37:4 "Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you your heart’s desires."(Psalms 37:4 NLT)! Thank you all for your prayers and your support they are much appreciated! 

Hope you all have a blessed day! 


Monday, June 16, 2014

Support Micaela to go to Summercamp

Hello my name is Micaela Ziegler, 
I would love to go to Summercamp this summer through my church and this is where you come in. I need help raising money I need $384 by July 6th and I'm really believing God for this money for camp. I strongly believe in the power of prayer. I also truly believe that God will meet you where you are at and will give you the desires of your heart! My verse for this is Psalm 37:4 Take delight in the Lord and he will give you your heart’s desires."Let me explain to you why I want to go to camp. Camp is a week full of God, friends fun, and just amazing encounters with God. I had the opportunity to go last year and my life radically changed and I got so much out of the worship sessions, the messages and everything. I'd really LOVE to experience that again! Through every message I sat through I got something out of it and God really showed up that week! I grew deeper with God through that week also I made lasting Godly friendships that will last a lifetime! I would really love and appreciate your help with raising this money, any amount is fine if you want to help, give what you feel led to give! It'd mean the world to me. you can make checks payable to Micaela Ziegler and you can send cash as well to the following address:

MIcaela Ziegler
3422 West Wembley Lane,
Kalamazoo, Mi 49009
Thank you for all your support! 
Micaela Ziegler
Have a great day!

Friday, June 13, 2014

•Grandmas are extraordinary.•

  We all know that grandparents love to spoil there grandchildren. It's the Grandma's that you love to spend time with because you know you'll get something special to eat when you stay at their house. But today's blogpost is about my Grandma who means the world to me Bonnie Lou (Simonton) Harper. I love you Grams! 
  Grandma your more than just my Grandma you're my friend, partner in crime, sassy, hilarious, fun to be around. These past few years have been hard with her having Alheimzers but she is still funny as ever! We've shared so many laughs and there have been times I've almost cried because we were laughing so hard! 
   I'm the granddaughter who takes selfies with my Grandma, it's not to be annoying it's to keep record of all of memories we've shared, so that I can remember them for many years to come! 
I think she's got an inner fashionista in her, because she helped me pick out a cute dress! I'm telling ya she's a fashionista!! 
   I can't even start to tell you how much she means to me! She's the emerald to my necklace, diamond to my ring! I'm so blessed to have her as a Grandma! She's always been there for me! She took care of me as a little girl to when I was sick she would always know how to make me feel better! I love you Grams! Every Saturday we have lunch with her and my Grandpa and it's always such a fun time! She's diabetic so I help her with the glucose machine and I'm like her nurse! So we have this joke and when I have everything ready I'm like Grams your nurse is ready for you! We always laugh about that! Also I love getting to do her hair and I make it all pretty! 

I love you Grams! Xoxo love your miracle baby Micaela Ryann Ziegler 

Here are some pictures of Grams&I having fun! 
This is also an inside joke with her so she had to wear masks so she'd be able to breath outside so I was like your like Bonnie the Bandit! And we still laugh about this! So funny! I love you Bonnie Lou! 
I hope y'all have a great weekend and a great Fathers Day!